Part of my role as Head of Sales and Support for Edublogs and CampusPress involved developing courses for educators.

These courses were free, online and open to any educator who wants to increase their skills.  The series are made up of free professional learning challenges where educators are stepped through weekly tasks that increase their skills while being supported by mentors.

Series 1:  Blogging with Student series

This series is designed for educators who want to use blogs with their students.  It guides you step by step through the process of class and student blogging.

Each step includes links to class blogs being used by educators so you can check out how other educators use their blogs.

The Series consists of:

You can enrol anytime using our enrolment form and you’ll receive emails for each step.

Series 2:  Personal Blogging

This series guides you step by step through the process of setting up your own personal or professional educator blog. Each step provides examples of personal educator blogs so you can check out how they are used by other educators.

The Series consists of:

Series 3:  Building a PLN (Personal Learning Network)

This series guides you step by step through the process of building your PLN.  Numerous Universities and programs use our PLN series as part of their pre-service teacher training courses.

The Series consists of: